The foreign exchange regulations in the countries of Curaçao and Sint Maarten are based on the Foreign Exchange Regulation Curaçao and Sint Maarten (2010). According to this regulation, current transactions are free in principle, while capital transactions require a license.
Although capital transactions are bound by a license, several foreign exchange notifications have been issued by the Bank that have liberalized most capital transactions. The Bank applies a liberal licensing system with respect to capital transactions: licenses normally are granted upon request.
The general foreign exchange policy is vested with the governments of the countries of Curaçao and Sint Maarten. The Bank is charged with executing the foreign exchange regulations and managing the available foreign exchange reserves for account and risk of the governments. Therefore, the Bank is empowered to grant licenses and exemptions by virtue of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Curaçao and Sint Maarten (2010).
Information on the foreign exchange regulations can be found through the following links:
- Regeling Deviezenverkeer Curaçao en Sint Maarten (2010) en Memorie van Toelichting
- Deviezenregulering 2017: Uitvoeringsbesluiten van de Regeling Deviezenverkeer Curaçao en Sint Maarten (2010)
- Toelichting op de opschorting van de verstrekking van deviezenvergunningen die een overmaking naar het buitenland tot gevolg hebben - 23 maart 2020
- Heffing Bekendmaking inzake het Deviezenverkeer 2017/K.6B
- Rapportageformulier K.6B
- Checklist te overleggen documenten bij de aanvraag van een deviezenvrijstelling
- Voorbeelden van deviezenvrijstellingen:
Deviezenvrijstelling voor onderneming, kredietinstelling of stichting
Deviezenvrijstelling voor segregated trust company
Deviezenvrijstelling voor penshonado - Beleidsmemorandum over de buitengaatse onderneming
- Foreign Exchange Regulation 2017: Implementation Decrees of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Curaçao and Sint Maarten (2010)
- Explanation of the suspension of the granting of foreign exchange licenses for transfers abroad - March 23, 2020
- Levy Publication concerning Foreign Exchange Transactions 2017/K.6B
- Reporting Form K.6B
- Declaration of Identification and Sanction Screening
- Checklist of documents to be submitted with application for a foreign exchange exemption
- Policy Memorandum on offshore companies
- License Fee Matrix
- Explanation: License Fee Matrix
- Memorandum on the implementation of the license fee